- Xiaomi Redmi S2
- Tidak terpelihara!
Maintainer sebelumnya: immat0x1
This device is unsupported, so bug fixes or updates will not be released in the future. Kindly refrain from seeking help in the telegram channels as they won't be entertained. Use at your own risk!
Support for this device may be added in the future, only if someone could actively maintain it. Read the Wiki about it.
Support for this device may be added in the future, only if someone could actively maintain it. Read the Wiki about it.
Versi stabil
Versi beta
Versi beta semestinya dapat bekerja selama memperhatikan basis fungsionalitas. Namun, Anda mungkin menemui masalah dan/atau bug, yang dapat Anda laporkan ke kanal Telegram Beta kami